
A'Design Gala Night per Flatiron

È sempre un piacere ritirare un premio per un nostro progetto, in questo caso lo è ancora di più perché siamo particolarmente affezionati e legati a Flatiron.

Anche quest'anno A'Design ha organizzato una splendida serata di gala per omaggiare i progetti vincitori.

Leggi di più al seguente link:



Flatiron vince A'Design Award 2024

Siamo felici di annunciare che la collezione di lampade Flatiron, disegnata per Egle, ha vinto il Gold A'Design Award, il più alto riconoscimento nella categoria "Lighting"

Un riconoscimento importante che ci rende arco più orgogliosi di questo progetto.

Leggi di più al seguente link:



MrSmith Studio in finale!

MrSmith Studio è stato selezionato fra le aziende finaliste per partecipare al progetto Packaging 4.0, un progetto il cui intento è quello di portare innovazione e sostenibilità nel mondo del packaging, indetto da Regione Lazio e coordinato da Lazio Innova.


Egle presenta Flatiron

In occasione del Salone del Mobile 2024, Egle presenta la sua prima collezione di lampade disegnata di MrSmith Studio.

Un semplice foglio di metallo con una sola piega che accoglie la sorgente luminosa. L’essenza di una lampada che disegna l’ambiente come un grattacielo disegna la città.

Durante la Design Week MrSmith ha progettato e curato quattro allestimenti posizionati in location di prestigio distribuite nei principali distretti del Fuori Salone.

Guarda tutta la collezione su www.egledesign.it


MrSmith firma la corporate di Egle

Egle è il nuovo brand di lampade disegnate e prodotte in Italia, che coniuga innovazione, sostenibilità e creatività.

MrSmith Studio ha realizzato per Egle tutto il progetto di Brand & Corporate.


Nuovo packaging per VIDIVI

E' di MrSmith Studio il progetto dei nuovi packaging per il catalogo VIDIVI.

Materiali ecosostenibili e soluzioni modulari e scalabili per ridurre l'impatto ambientale e i costi.


VIDIVI presenta Murano

In occasione della fiera Ambiente di Francoforte, VIDIVI presenta la nuova collezione di tableware Murano disegnata da MrSmith Studio.

E' la prima collezione che questo storico brand presenta da quando è stata rilevata dalla famiglia Bormioli.

Un chiaro segnale di una nuova rotta per un'azienda storica. Una collezione che enfatizza la qualità del vetro e le capacità produttive uniche.


Altopiano in finale

Altopiano, progetto realizzato per il concorso "Let's Design" di Cosentino è stato premiato tra i finalisti.

L'obiettivo del progetto era far conoscere le peculiarità e le versatilità del materiale Dekton di Cosentino.


MrSmith Studio è il primo studio di Design italiano a diventare Società Benefit

MrSmith Studio è il primo studio di Design italiano a cambiare la propria ragione sociale ed integrare lo scopo di avere un impatto positivo sulla società, le persone e l’ambiente, oltre agli obiettivi di profitto.

La società, ai sensi della Legge 28 dicembre 2015 n. 208, commi 376 – 384, persegue una o più finalità di beneficio comune operando in modo responsabile, sostenibile e trasparente nei confronti di finalità di persone, comunità, territori e ambiente, beni ed attività culturali e sociali, enti e associazioni ed altri portatori di interesse.



Pelikan embossed all'Expo Dubai 2020

Pelikan Embossed è il barattolo di NUTELLA®  disegnato da MrSmith Studio nel 2015, oggi in mostra al Padiglione Italia all’Expo
di Dubai 2020 in occasione della Dubai Design Week e della mostra ITALIA GENIALE. Design enables, Bellezza, originalità, creatività del design industriale apprezzato universalmente.
Un’esposizione realizzata da ADI e ADI Design Museum per il Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico, il Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale e il Commissariato Generale per Expo 2020 Dubai, in collaborazione con UIBM Ufficio Italiano Brevetti e Marchi, Unioncamere e ITA/ICE Italian Trade Agency. In

La mostra ITALIA GENIALE propone il concetto di Design Industriale che abilita la bellezza, l’originalità e la creatività.
Selezionato insieme alle più storiche icone del Design italiano, questo barattolo della Nutella è l’esempio di come il Design sia oggi anche promotore di una sostenibilità quotidiana, sia ambientale che sociale.


Bevitalia sceglie EstaThé glass bottle

l nuovo report annuale di Bevitalia sull'industria delle bevande analcoliche ha scelto come copertina la bottiglia in vetro di EstaThé che abbiamo disegnato per Ferrero.


Pillow won the China International Lighting Design Award

MrSmith Studio proudly announces that the Pillow Lamp has been awarded from the China International Lighting Design Awards.

The China International Lighting Design Awards is the sole professional lighting design competition held in China, which holds significant influence over the lighting design industry in China.

This is the first grand competition that MrSmith has participated in venturing towards the Asian market.

MrSmith Studio is looking forward to expanding further in collaboration with diverse cultures and markets with a positive outlook.


Instagram account rebooted!

Have you already checked our Instagram account? It's been a couple of weeks since we've rebooted it with new layout and new contents.

Follow us and stay updated with all news and projects!


Covid-19 signposting

We know that signage for Covid-19 procedures can be repetitive and not engaging.

To keep your attention high, we designed our version.

Do you want to see all the proposals? Write to us and we will send them to you.


Back in the game!

After a few weeks of smart-working from home, due to Covid-19 Quarantene, we're now finally back in the Studio and ready to rock!

Remember to use gloves!


Coronavirus will not stop us!

Fortunatamente siamo organizzati per poter continuare a lavorare.

Il design non si ferma, MrSmith non si ferma, l'Italia non si ferma!


German Design Award 2020 for EstaThé Glass Bottle

MrSmith Studio proudly announces that EstaThé Glass Bottle designed for Ferrero has won the prestigious "German Design Award 2020".
The German Design Council bestows this Award the most innovative projects in the design world.

It is the third consecutive year that the studio has won this coveted prize.

We would like to thank the German Design Council for this important acknowledgment.


What is Design?

Today we've been hosted by Sole24h Business School for a lecture at the Master in Design Management.
Marco Mascetti shared his point of view on what Design is, and on the method used in MrSmith Studio for creating Good Design Projects.


Winter Holidays

...let it snow!

Best wishes from MrSmith Studio


Side by side interview for Le Fonti

A very nice interview for Le Fonti TV, side by side with Valentina Moretti from Holding Terra Moretti.
Main topic of the interview has been the enrollment of new generations into family business.

We thank Le Fonti TV and Angela Maria Scullica for hosting us.


A'Design Award 2019 for EstaThé glass bottle

EstaThé® glass bottle designed for Ferrero wins the "A' Design Award 2019".
Prize-giving ceremony took place at the Teatro Sociale in Como.
Another ribbon on MrSmith's chest!


WorldStar Award Ceremony in Prague

On Wednesday, May 15th, at the Empire Hall of Slavic House in Prague, MrSmith Studio was honoured by the World Packaging Organisation with the coveted "WorldStar Award 2019" for the "100 Percent" project designed for Ferrero.


WorldStar Award 2019 for "100 Percent"

"100 Percent" project designed for Ferrero wins the WorldStar Award 2019.
This important acknowledgment demonstrates once again how the issue of sustainability is extremely important and can create value at multiple levels.

We would like to thank Ferrero for giving us the chance to work on such an important project, Seda Group for the technical support and WPO for the coveted prize.


Best Packaging Award for EstaThé glass bottle

EstaThé® Glass Bottle we've designed for Ferrero wins the "Best Packaging Award 2019" the highest award conferred by the Istituto Italiano Imballaggio (Italian Packaging Institute).
Prize-giving ceremony took place in the brand new building of Fondazione Feltrinelli in Milan, after an interesting talk about the packaging of the future.
We are very proud of this important acknowledgement.


Designer for a day

MrSmith Studio welcomes you in its offices for your first experience as a designer.
Starting from the brief launched by Concretamente, the new Macevi's brand for furnishing components, MrSmith Studio will guide you through the creation of your own project, to the fulfillment of a prototype made in concrete.
The most deserving project will become part of the Concretamente 2020 catalog.


MrSmith Studio on Corriere della Sera

MrSmith Studio has been published on Corriere Economia, the economy insert of Corriere della Sera.
The article talks about the success that the Studio is receiving thanks to "100%" project, the plastic-free packaging for Nutella.
Environmental respect is something that we really care about and one of the main values of our activity.
It's a great thing that even economy newspapers are talking about this issue.


German Design Award 2019 for 100%

"100%", the first NUTELLA® packaging completely plastic free, wins the German Design Award 2019.
The most important prize awarded by the German Design Council, which each year selects and awards the most innovative projects in the design world.
It is the second consecutive year that the studio has won this coveted prize.


EstaTHÉ glass bottle

MrSmith Studio signs the new EstaTHÉ glass bottle for Ferrero.
The new 25cl bottle reinterprets and updates the characteristic shapes of the beloved brick of Estathé.
Transparency of the glass confers premiumness to the Brand, showing the unique color and preserving the aroma of the infusion at its best.


Winter Holidays

Baby it's cold outside!

Warm wishes from MrSmith Studio


Osvaldo, table clock for Calligaris

Osvaldo is a table clock with sinuous shapes, designed with a single soft and harmonious stroke.

A sort of character that seeks an emphatic relationship with the observer, placing itself as an active element of the home or office system. Presented by Calligaris S.p.a. at Salone del Mobile 2018.


Picchio, wooden icon for Calligaris

Calligaris S.p.a. presents a collection of furnishing pieces during Salone del Mobile 2018 in Milan.

Picchio is the new iconic element made in solid wood that takes inspiration from the woodpecker in the company's logo.


Apollo, tray for Calligaris

As part of Calligaris S.p.a. new furnishing collection presented at Salone del Mobile 2018, Apollo is the summa of the company's know-hows.

In a single project is represented all the ability to work and ennoble wood, metal sheets and rods.


TAaCK, outdoor lounge chair for RiVelami

TAcCK is a good example of what up-cycle is.

Is a project that combines the sublime and poetic side of sailing with its more technical and innovative aspects.
The lounge chair is obtained with a bent metal structure and seat made with re-used sails.
TAaCK presents many references to the nautical world, both for materials and for tightening and binding techniques.


A'Design Award 2018 for Osvaldo

Osvaldo, the table clock we've designed for Calligaris, has been awarded with the Silver A' Design Award 2018.


A'Design Award 2018 for Edro

Edro, the urban furniture system we've designed for Macevi, has been awarded with the Gold A'Design Award 2018.


A'Design Award 2018 for Midori

Midori, the table chair we've designed for Domitalia, has been awarded with the Silver A'Design Award 2018


A' Design Award Gala Night

What a night! A’ Design Awards gala night!

Gold A’ Design Award for EDRO, SilverA’ Design Award for 100 Percent Nutella Packaging, SilverA’ Design Award for OSVALDO, SilverA’ Design Award for MIDORI !
Great projects, great team, great awards!


XXV Compasso d'Oro ADI

We are very proud to be among the finalists for the XXV Compasso d'Oro award.
Prize giving ceremony and exhibition will be held in the courtyard of the Castello Sforzesco, in the heart of Milan.


A'Design Award 2018 for 100%

100%, new fully recyclable packaging for Nutella, has been awarded with the Silver A' Design Award 2018.


Guest keynote speaker Packaging Première 2018

On May 17th we had the pleasure to hold a speech at Packaging Première 2018 that took place in MiCo Milan.

Main topic has been the use of glass in packaging design.

Thanks to the collaboration with Vetropack and Cerve, we've highlighted the different techniques of glass production and decoration, culminating our speech by simulating the development process of a design project for a collection of perfumes packaging.


German Design Award 2018 for Embossed Nutella Jar

MrSmith Studio is thrilled to announce that Pelikan Embossed Nutella Jar designed for Ferrero has won the prestigious "German Design Award 2018".

The German Design Award is the top international prize bestowed by the German Design Council, the highest authority to represent new developments in the German design industry. The highly esteemed international jury guarantees that German Design Award identifies and presents unique design trends and advances the design-oriented scene.

We would like to thank the German Design Council for this important acknowledgment.


Worldstar Packaging Award and Gold Marketing Award 2018

On May 2nd, MrSmith Studio has proudly been awarded with the prestigious Worldstar Packaging Award 2018 during the ceremony that took place in GoldCoast Australia.

To our surprise, during the same gala night we were also awarded with the Gold Marketing Award 2018.

The whole Studio is very grateful to World Packaging Organisation for this important acknowledgment.


A'Design Award 2017 for MrSmithStudio

MrSmith Studio has been proudly awarded with the prestigious A'Design Award during the gala night "La notte premio A" in Villa Olmo. Platinum Award for Nutella Embossed Jar and Bronze Award for Fiume Tables.


MrSmith Studio is on Instagram

To keep posted with all latest news from the Studio be sure to follow our Instagram account.